Health tips By Abi

Science reveals the true importance of increasing testosterone levels naturally after 40

Science explains how eating an avocado a day affects the body after 50 How to eat more fiber: satiating foods that help you lose weight and live longer in a healthy way The type of diet that helps increase muscle size in men and allows you to age better after 50 Testosterone, the main male sex hormone, performs important functions due to its participation in different processes. Mainly associated with the development of male characteristics, sperm production or sexual desire, it also plays a fundamental role in musculoskeletal health and even mood. The problem with this hormone, which is often wrongly associated with negative behavioural connotations, is that its levels decline very gradually, by 1% to 2% each year as we age, and it is likely, according to some estimates, that more than a third of men over 45 may have lower testosterone levels than what is considered normal, although it is difficult to determine an optimal average concentration. In any case, it may be vital to determine what these adequate levels of testosterone are, according to the conclusions of a pioneering international study led by researchers at the University of Western Australia (UWA), which has discovered a significant association between low testosterone levels in men and an elevated risk of cardiovascular death and mortality from any cause. Published in Annals of Internal Medicine, the systematic review and meta-analysis took into account 11 studies with 24,000 male participants. The researchers' aim was to clarify the impact of sex hormones on the main health outcomes of ageing men, shedding light on previous inconsistent findings. In particular, the risk of all-cause mortality was increased for men with testosterone levels below 7.4 nmol/L 213 ngdL regardless of the concentration of LH, the hormone that regulates testosterone secretion. In addition, the risk of cardiovascular death was increased in men with testosterone concentrations below 5.3 nmol/L 153 mgdL. “Our study underlines the importance of understanding the effect of sex hormones on health, particularly in older men,” explains Professor Bu Yeap, from the UWA School of Medicine and lead author of a paper in which, according to the researchers themselves, the rigorous methodology of the study stands out, highlighting the use of meta-analysis of individual patient data and mass spectrometry, considered the most accurate method for measuring testosterone. “By obtaining the raw data from nine of the included studies and re-analysing them collectively, the research team was able to perform a more comprehensive analysis with strong evidence of the associations,” says Professor Yeap. “This pioneering study represents an important step forward in our understanding of the relationship between testosterone levels and mortality risks in men, offering valuable insights for future research and clinical practice,” concludes the expert. How to increase testosterone levels naturally The average citizen may not have access to the precise methods used in research to determine what their testosterone level is, but symptoms such as fatigue, drowsiness, mood swings, loss of strength and muscle mass, decreased hair or sexual performance - understood as lack of desire or erectile dysfunction - can provide clues to a problem that can be confirmed through a blood test. However, there are natural ways to increase testosterone levels that are mainly associated with a healthy lifestyle. Exercising regularly, adhering to a diet such as the Mediterranean diet that provides the necessary macronutrients and micronutrients, sleeping the recommended hours (7-8) or adequate stress management can counteract the effects of aging on testosterone levels. In any case, if you have the slightest suspicion that your levels may not be adequate, it is best to consult your doctor, who will be able to guide you at all times. The recent Research led by Australian experts is a clear warning about the importance of testosterone in men's health, so it is worth taking a preventive approach and implementing as many healthy habits as necessary.